Food Processing Systems

Sustainability of Food Systems

In the face of a burgeoning global population, the sustainability of our food systems has come into sharp focus. As we grapple with the daunting task of feeding nearly 10 billion people by 2050, it is imperative to question the long-term viability of our current food production and consumption practices. The sustainability of our current food systems is a complex and multifaceted issue, encompassing environmental, social, and economic dimensions. Environmental Impact: Our current food systems are exerting a significant toll on the environment. Intensive agricultural practices, such as the excessive use of fertilizers and pesticides, are contributing to soil degradation, […]

Impact of Environment on Human Cultural Evolution

Across the vast expanse of human history, our species has demonstrated an extraordinary capacity for adaptation and innovation, shaping and reshaping the world around us. Yet, this remarkable journey has been inextricably intertwined with the environment, a dynamic force that has continuously influenced our cultural evolution. From the earliest hominin migrations to the rise of modern civilizations, the environment has played a pivotal role in shaping our cultural practices, beliefs, and values. The impact of the environment on human cultural evolution is multifaceted and profound. Physical landscapes, with their unique topography and resource distribution, have guided the development of diverse […]

Understanding Food-Environment Dynamics

Understanding Food Environment Dynamics

In a world grappling with rising food insecurity, nutritional imbalances, and environmental degradation, understanding the dynamics of the food environment is paramount. The intricate interplay between our food choices, the physical surroundings where food is acquired and consumed, and the broader social, economic, and political forces at play shape our dietary patterns and influence the sustainability of our food systems. Understanding the dynamics of the food environment is not merely an academic pursuit; it is an urgent call to action, a quest to unravel the complex interplay of factors that shape our dietary habits and determine the fate of our […]

Image by erwan-hesry

Importance of Food Policy

Food policy is crucial for countries and global society as it plays a pivotal role in ensuring food security, promoting sustainable agriculture, and fostering economic development. It encompasses a wide range of measures and strategies aimed at regulating and guiding the production, distribution, and consumption of food. Effective food policies can contribute to addressing various challenges such as hunger, malnutrition, poverty, and environmental degradation. Importance of Food Policy for Countries Ensuring Food Security: Food security is a fundamental human right, ensuring that all people have access to sufficient, safe, and nutritious food at all times to meet their dietary needs […]

Preventing Food Waste for a Better Environment

Preventing Food Waste for A Better Environment

Food waste is a global problem with serious environmental and social consequences. According to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), one-third of all food produced for human consumption is wasted each year. This wasted food could be used to feed the millions of people who go hungry every day. Food waste also has a significant negative impact on the environment. Food production requires a significant amount of land, water, and energy. When we waste food, we are also wasting these precious resources. Additionally, food waste that ends up in landfills decomposes and produces methane, a greenhouse gas that […]

River Diplomacy

Understanding Water Diplomacy

Water diplomacy recognizes that water is essential for life, economic development, and environmental sustainability, and that its equitable and sustainable management is crucial for social stability and peace. By fostering dialogue, building trust, and promoting joint problem-solving, water diplomacy seeks to find inclusive and sustainable solutions to water-related issues, ensuring that the needs of all stakeholders are considered and conflicts are minimized.

Environmental Issues of South Asia Region

South Asian countries have been dealing with several issues of social, political, cultural, and economic nature among many others. The environmental issues however are slowly becoming more and more pronounced in the region, with the rise in natural catastrophes, energy crises, and scarcity of resources. Mainly consisting of developing nations of India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Bhutan, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, and Afghanistan, this region since the early 20th century, first, most of them as a colony and later as independent states, have been experiencing economic upheavals. Notably, most of the environmental issues surged post-1960s due to high economic activities, industrialization, population […]

The Unlikely Vaccine for Environment- Corona

The world is facing a common enemy scenario, where people today are ready to look beyond the borders, religion, caste, class and other social boundaries. A novel virus which keeps inside our homes is already reorienting our relationship with our environment, government, work and even to the society at large. While these changes are unfamiliar and unsettling, yet no one can deny the positive impact it has had on the environment. If reports are to be believed the earth seems to be recovering amidst COVID-19 spread. In these extraordinary times, several countries have implemented restrictions upon public interaction, suspending public […]

Development as a Response to External Exigencies

Development- Once the most prized singularity of 20th century, today is viewed as grim reality given the onslaught of projects which threaten the environment and society. Be it Narmada dam or bullet train corridor in India, all have come under fire. With climate change debate picking up momentum due to the efforts of the future generation of leaders, development has been garnering even further bad reputation. We forget that though this is the same development which has for centuries and generations helped mankind build its civilization and protect it from external forces. For instance, the Harappa Civilization is known for […]

Water Scarcity & Indian Agriculture

Water scarcity in India is changing everything, from what we eat to the way of our living. Water is the existential need of our body & society alike. Though, over the years it has also become an over-the-top abused commodity, without having received any serious attention from planning commissions, until recently. Time and again, early societies stressed upon the importance and need for water and ably planned their lives around it. Civilizations, like Mesopotamia, Egyptian or our very own Harappan, were built or lost on account of water. Today, while we have this knowledge, as a society we fail to […]